Saturday, June 6, 2015

Justine's Journal #42

52 Weeks 500 Words

This is how it began: Justine (not her real name) decided to write 500 words (or as near as), anything goes, per week for 52 weeks. She would then submit it for anonymous posting, via me, her friend. Perhaps a pattern will emerge from her words, but at this stage it’s more an experiment I have agreed to share in. I’ll attempt to draw conclusions at the end of this. Stay tuned if this resonates with you.

Week 42

"Oh, I had the greatest ten days in a long time! We decided to get together, brother dearest and I, and I flew up north to the plateau part of South Africa. I tell you, it gets pretty cold up there, but weather and temperature was far from our minds the whole time.

We did all the tourist stuff, took many photos, ate too much and laughed all the while. And we talked. We talked so much! We have definitely reconnected and no distance in living arrangements will again become distance in our relationship. This is the best feeling, knowing neither of us will ever really be alone.

Treasure family. If something is wrong, attempt to fix it. I am well aware sometimes it is better to walk away from a toxic family member and I’m not saying fix it with someone you know will entirely destroy your peace of mind, but your brother or your sister can also be your very best friend. The cousin you knew as a child may become that, or the aunt who always sent you little notes when you were growing up. Age is immaterial; the connection counts.

I thought I was alone, and now I know I am not. Happiness is realising our foolish pride can be set aside!

Friends, too, can become family. Sometimes a friend is more family than we realise, for they are always there without judgement. I said I thought I was alone, but I wasn’t, for I did have family, I had and have amazing and supportive friends, and I treasure them absolutely. I can’t wait for my brother’s visit towards the end of the year, for then I can bring him into my friend circle and I know already they will become part of his family as he will become part of theirs. I met his BFF while up north, a great teddy bear man who smiles all the time, and he is now part of my family!

Do I sound as I’m rambling? Floating on my happiness cloud, I may be stringing thoughts together to make some kind of sense for you, for me, and all I may be succeeding in doing is sounding random. Well, that’s just fine by me, for right now I can’t stop smiling either (like the teddy bear man!) and I hope you can at least sense how contented I am with life at the moment.

If something is wrong, fix it. It does make all the difference.

I came home to RAIN here in the south. The heavens had literally opened up and it rained and rained. Dams are filling, fields are green and the dust of many hot months is now washed away. In a way, for me this was a blessing. It was like having my return home anointed, validation of what I have learned and who I am now. Maybe that’s a bit freaky, but when I stepped off the plane, I felt blessed. I was home and new, as the familiar world around me was again new.

Life is good."

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