Friday, June 17, 2016

The King's Challenge #330 and #331

TKC 330 and 331

About to expound on the mysteries surrounding souls, I am forced to swallow my words when Commander Gennerin requests permission to enter.

Swiftly he states that our armies are taking action here and elsewhere. Coltern and Enris have prepared a shuttle for transfer to the planet below and await us.

“Thank you,” I murmur, and usher my daughter and Siri ahead of me. “Wait outside; I need to dress.” As I am still in my night wear, this is an imperative. Smiling at Iniri’s sceptical look, I say to Gennerin, “Stay, Commander.”

The door closes on the two women and I hasten to the small cabinet in a corner for clothes and toiletries.

“The Empress put up a fight all the way to her cell, I am told,” Gennerin murmurs as he takes my tunic from me, knowing I will need his help to don the stiff, formal garment.

As I slide into it, I ask, “What is your opinion? Do we need her with us?”

Gennerin settles the tunic onto my shoulders. “Her presence in space will keep the Glonu wary and it is better for our fleet in orbit if she remains here.”

As I thought. “Please help me with my belt.” I wave at the decorative sash on the bed. Breeches and boots are quickly done with and then I raise my arms so that Gennerin can wrap the symbol of royalty about my waist and across my chest. The green and gold metallic material complements the charcoal ensemble I now wear. I feel somewhat trapped by the unyielding ‘uniform’, but my sense of self returns to me almost immediately. Now I appear as the King; I feel more like one as well.

“Majesty, I am not happy that you intend to join us on the ground.”

He is now my First; it is Gennerin’s place to state his reservations and thus am I in no way insulted. “Enris needs me,” I state.

“Enris will deny that.” Gennerin’s lips quirk briefly.

I smile. “I know.”


This man has led men and women for a long time; he will ask a question and expect an answer, even from his king. I like him more and more. I trust him completely. “Enris is on the cusp of misusing his Warrior. The binding of brother and sister has controlled him until now and has circumvented the drawbacks of that unholy talent, and I intend to keep it in place.”

Gennerin inclines his head. He is well aware that the Warrior’s life is usually short and now he understands why Enris survived. He also sees that I wish for my son a full life. I wish this because I love my son and also because he is the heir.

Gazing directly at my First, I add, “Enris must survive this. I shall step down when we return to Makaran.”

Gennerin blinks, but does not refute me. Instead he asks, “What happens to Iniri?”

I close my eyes. “My hope is that she survives also.” The man will understand that it means Iniri’s fate is less certain and thankfully he says no more on the subject.

We are ready. Wordless, we join the women on the other side of the door. Iniri hooks her arms through mine, saying, “Your Majesty.” She winks at me and I grin in response. She knows me well; she knows I prefer soft robes and comfortable slippers.

We proceed into the upper levels of the ship, with Gennerin taking a path that leads us where there are few soldiers and even fewer officers. The time it will take to salute to all in the more populated corridors will delay us too long.

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