Wednesday, June 3, 2020

An amazing superpower

Back when it began ...

... this appeared on various platforms and filled me and many others with a sense of peace. We could endure lockdown, and did, and will continue to if needed, and yet it is true that having choice taken away is not ever easy. 

Tuesday, June 2, 2020


Many many thanks for continuing to visit while in blog lockdown!!


To renewed purpose ...

Hi friends ... it has taken over two months for me to drum up enough energy and motivation to post here (all my blogs and sites have seen the same absence) and if you're a regular visitor, my apologies. I am certain, though, that everyone understands. The world as we know it is no more, and therefore all of us need to find our way again. This is why I'm posting now - not because the way is clear, but because this will aid in looking ahead once more. It's action, and action creates purpose. So ... here's to renewed purpose!

To all who are struggling, know you are not alone. We get it. If you are feeling guilty about your inability to function as usual, set that aside. Think of the one thing you achieved this day (even if it is getting out of bed) and feel the spurt of energy ... far healthier than guilt, promise. 

Keep going, friends, and I will do the same!