Novellas and Short Stories



Tilio finds the perfect Christmas gift for her brother. Photography is his hobby, and so is collecting cameras, whether old or new.

 It seems, though, this camera is cursed.

 Christmas is upended. The moment he takes a snap of his happy family, everything changes for him, but not for them.

 Somehow, he must undo its terrible manipulation, or he will be lost.




She will choose her own fate.

 Chloe runs away from her family home because she will not marry the man her brother deems suitable. After all, in the 21st century, the choice is hers to make.

 Muddy footprints reveal that she is being followed. Is it the man her brother has chosen for her? Is it a stranger who preys on lonely women?

 Or is it a ghost?



What does the god of fire demand of Brendan?

 The problem isn’t his pottery skills. No, the problem lies with his backyard kiln. Every vessel Brendan fires in it ends up shattered. His fault? Oh no!

A commanding voice tells him every attempt he makes will fail … unless he does as it asks. Brendan ropes in his mate Johnny, if only to tell him he’s completely bonkers. They end up in a place they thought never to visit again, a place of nightmares from their childhood.

 Ha, maybe there is a fire god. How does one deal with that?




A gentle tale about loss … and a cat.

This is Ariel’s first Christmas alone and she wants nothing to do with festivities. Her best friend extracts a promise from her to put up a tree, though, an old woman gives her advice, and on the way home she buys a few Christmas treats and, on impulse, cat food for the strays around her building.

These factors end up changing Ariel’s life.



The dude in the mirror is trying to kill her!

Ivy moves into an overgrown cottage in the back of beyond two days before Christmas. She soon discovers that the old place keeps old secrets. The mirror above her mantlepiece is not what it seems. Ash and oil footsteps appear from nowhere, as does writing on a wall.

Is her refuge haunted? Ha, well, she’ll decorate the bejeezus out of it, overwhelm whatever it is with pretty baubles and blinking lights. Not everyone loves Christmas as much as she does, after all.

A good plan indeed … until Gabriel introduces himself.

Old houses certainly do keep old secrets.

Now available in Greek, Portuguese and Spanish



Tomorrow she will go on with her life …

It’s a hot day in Cape Town but a woman holds the vigil at a window overlooking the beach. She has repeatedly dreamed of a sailing boat, a lost soul perhaps, entering upon silver streaks on the water. Is this merely dreaming or, as she believes, a vision?

She will watch, she will give it this one day and night, and then go on with her life, and waiting with her is Barney, her beloved dog, and Fantasy, her snooty cat. Man, a girl and her fur babies get hungry while waiting for something to happen, and yet her instincts keep her there … watching … waiting …

Lattice 3 from Latticework: 14 Lattices from Space and Time



A caregiver acts as confessor to an infamous patient.

Emma Reed is Ward Sister at a frail care centre. When Celeste Harwood is admitted, she is suspicious of the woman’s motives. Has Celeste come to hide from the world? If so, that is not right; her bed is needed for someone deserving.

When Emma sees how wary the nurses are of Miss Harwood, she understands something else is at work. Her doctor arrives and tells a tale of murder, of a woman about to suffer a terrible death, and Emma’s curiosity is aroused.

Fortunately, Celeste wants to share her story …

Also available in Portuguese, Spanish, and Italian.
Find them via Apple Books, Scribd. Kobo, B&N, Amazon and more.



An orphaned boy searches for a lost girl.

A woman abandons her new-born at a motel in the back of beyond. Adin grows up unloved, bullied, and no one remembers him. He doesn’t exist.

Until he sees a poster for a missing girl on a lamppost. There is an instant connection to little Sunflower, kidnapped for ransom, only to disappear after the money is paid. He exists because he must find her. Alone, he searches, a journey that takes him into the wild places, meeting along the way some interesting characters.

In dreams he speaks to her, for she is the one who will remember him.

The Orphan

Spanish & Portuguese



What does a girl do when the fantastical creatures she creates for a charm bracelet come to life?

 Emily questions her sanity when troll lifts his mace and wizard defends with his staff, and hightails it out of her studio. When her dad phones the next morning to say he’s coming over, she is beyond relieved. In the light of day, with her dad present, her imagination can’t play tricks … right?

Holy smoke! Even Dad is gobsmacked by what he sees. Elf brandishes his flute like a knife and fairy bites troll … how is this real?

Only one thing to do now.

Call in the cavalry because Mom will know what to do … right?



There are eyes on its wings. Many have this subterfuge somewhere upon them, out there in the wilds, and therefore the concept is not exactly strange. Used to fool predators, it is an effective tool of disguise. But this is not a creature of the wilds.

What is this Winged Wonder?

Taken from FingerNale tales, this quick read tells the tale of a man at an intersection seeing a man, a creature, an angel perhaps, in the crowd waiting to cross.

Winged Wonder




8 British Christmas shorts from the Wild Wolf stable to get you ready for the Holidays.

1: A Corpse for Christmas by T.K. Geering ~ While Jack the Ripper is terrorising Mitre Square, bodies are going missing too.

2: Gabriel by Elaina J Davidson ~ Old houses keep old secrets. Ivy discovers that not everyone loves Christmas as much as she does. The dude in the mirror is trying to kill her!

3: The Sins of the Season by Richard Rhys Jones ~ At a time when the gentry rule us peasants, a vicar in a remote parish has his hands full of the deadly sins. Once a druid enters the opulent halls of shame, it all gets bloody interesting.

4: Stocking Killer by Jillian Ward ~ Of all the times of the year to cheat on her man, she chooses now! Well some dude needs a lesson to keep his hands off and Dave is on it like a man possessed; it doesn’t end well for any of them.

5: Christmas Nerd by Joanne Sexton ~ Her family was brutally murdered on Christmas and this holiday is dreaded by her every year since. That's until the cute IT guy makes his move and Kaley gets to have a family Christmas for the first time in decades. The problem with good looking guys is they always have issues.

6: On the Twelfth Day of Christmas by Paul Rudd ~ Thrown back into the 80s we follow Tommy and his friends through the most treacherous board game ever created. It’s awesome, it’s ruthless, and the entire town is now dead! If a stranger tempts you to play a game for the 12 days of Christmas, you might like to reconsider.

7: The Secret of Hungry Summit Mountains by Hannah Ferguson ~ Eloise was just another girl until she was attacked by a vagrant. This one act derails her entire life, leaving her homeless, pregnant, desperate, and depressed. Getting home for Christmas didn’t even cross her mind.

8: The Whispers of Christmas by Poppet ~ Angela is living in a reality that keeps warping. She’s hearing things, has a stalker who’s gas lighting her, and is forced to get high when she goes home for Christmas. Then things get really weird.

It’s just ANOTHER BLOODY CHRISTMAS for these characters, but what the hell, we only live once. 


Reviews on Writing World 



Alyria is sleepless in humidity, her thoughts in turmoil. Going to her studio to paint, she discovers that someone has broken in and stolen her art, and the thief may still be in the house. Brandishing a paintbrush as weapon, she prepares to defend herself …

See Audio Book page for links



On the banks of a river, a boy sees and hears a girl laughing, the most glorious music, and falls in love. Time, however, is not the same for them. Erin is human; Kell is something other.

Kell watches her from the shadows under the willow at the water’s edge, refusing to surrender to their differences. For Erin he plays the most beautiful music, for he may never speak to her and she cannot ever see him. Music becomes their words.

Love, however, cannot measure time. The minstrel maintains his vigil; his muse listens for his song, and both move through the years alone, until the day something changes …



A collection of 14 lattices to form a Latticework

A latticework creates a mesmerising pattern, one which pleases the eye and draws the onlooker closer. Emotional lattices are connected strands that amplify the human experience; our melancholy, our mistakes, and our residual power.

Fourteen lattices by a diverse author makes Latticework an occult treat, worthy of fans who dip into the disturbing and diabolical. This collection of soulful tales embodies the macabre and the metaphysical, with insights so serrated it cuts to the marrow.

Reviews on Writing World




Fire spews and ice follows. The world Drakonis is near death and all life has fled. Except for Brennan, the thief who hears mysterious directions to Castle Drakon on the wind, and brothers Bastian and Cole, who choose to follow her. Then there’s Halley, an exotic dancer from the burning cities, and Audri, who refuses to speak.

These five are the last and it is their task to ensure at least memory remains, or Drakonis will be eternally forgotten. To ensure this, they must find Castle Drakon.

In a grotto under the ice they discover three others alive and before the warmth of a fire hear of a mighty legend. Unravelling its mysteries could lead to a way off a dying world. An ancient light will illuminate their path.


#audiobook (links on Audio Book page)



Paranormal Romance

Alayna lives as a recluse in the giant redwood forest far from prying eyes. When intruders break into her home with the intention of robbing and using her, a man with vivid green eyes becomes an unlikely saviour.

The instant they see each other their fates are sealed. Ben and Alayna have the kind of attraction that reeks of a celestial mandate. Alayna realises what Ben truly is, but he’s too young to know his real self. She sends him away to discover his destiny, awaiting his return.

Their attraction, though, is so visceral and overwhelming that Ben comes back again and again, each time finding it harder to leave the only woman who has ignited his soul. Alayna feels it too, because Ben possesses a kiss able to break worlds.

His green eyes are an ethereal magnificence amid the redwoods, lighting the way for love, music, dreams and destiny to mark their paths, but such a connection has a price.


Poppet on Goodreads (As A Tear in the Clouds)
Monique (A Tear in the Clouds)

Via Apple Books and more


FingerNale Tales

These are the afterthought tales, bite-size chunks of a life’s grander design, something to gnaw on briefly before moving on.

The Old Man – a child’s perspective on meeting an unknown uncle
The Royal Feline – it’s a cat life indeed
The Mountains Burn – the destructive power of fire
Morning Rainbow – when a rainbow is a sign
Blood Moon – when reality feels entirely unreal
Veils of Sleep – what happens in the realms of oblivion
Winged Wonder – a winged creature walks the city streets
Glass Dreams – every time a man closes his eyes, glass shatters
First Day – a child’s perspective on her first school day
At the End – life’s long years

A few recorded moments in time that will ask of you a few minutes of your day. A breathy laugh might follow, or ‘oh, yes, I see myself in there!’ Maybe a morsel gifts a smile, while a tale creates a sense of wonder. Enjoy!

Audiobook now available!



We should all do the best we can with what is given us,

so that one day we too can look back and say,

‘I lived a good life’.

At the End is an insight taken from FingerNale Tales and tells the story of a woman looking back over the years of her life.

At the End



An amusing little tale of self-delusion

Thomas Henson has issues, thirteen of them, and, indeed, one of them is superstition. When his life of luxury ends and he is dumped into an impoverished state, all these issues come home to roost, making it impossible for Thomas to stand up and take responsibility for his life. He even despises his name! Most all, however, he hates his neighbour, the ever laughing Ethan Danwick-Blythe, who has a perfect name and a perfect garden. Thomas is being lied to, however, and those lies will upset everything our Thomas hopes for. As he plots revenge on his neighbour, the time for all lies to be exposed approaches. This amusing little tale of self-delusion is Thomas Henson’s debut into real life.



Read Chapter 1

How blind can a seeing Thomas be?

After a disastrous beginning in the country, Thomas Henson begins his new life and career in the city. He must now step up or fail in this issue of being an adult. There is no trust fund and the silver spoon has long been melted.

Thomas will negotiate the ways of city living, of city working and of city romancing. We do hope dear Thomas finds himself now, although we know so well how everything, simply everything, is an issue for our Thomas. Fingers crossed!

Available from


Writing World Reviews

Thomas hits the City!
"Thomas puts the 'q' in quirky ..."

Reviews Online

Poppet "Morgan"



Harry leads a solitary existence, tending bar because it allows him to interact with people without becoming involved. His life isn’t a normal one, after all.

When the woman perfectly dressed and groomed takes a seat in the shadows and asks for wine, something about her calls to him. He answers that summons and it changes everything, for they have something extraordinary in common.

His dreams, and hers, will never be the same again.

The Bartender




"... probably the best Halloween story ever …"

The town of Flarant is abandoned to its fate, year after year.

Year after year the people of Flarant lose their children to the ghosts and ghouls on All Hallows Eve. They cannot flee. They are beyond all hope.

And then a stranger enters the town in the days leading up to the event. This year, there is difference in the air. This year, the children are not alone.

Lattice 11 from Latticework: 14 Lattices from Space and Time




First lockdown has ended and classes are about to resume, but nothing is as it was.

Leanne regards her studies as outdated for an utterly changed world, and decides to do something to help others instead. Her friend Alex has a plane and he is so in when she suggests volunteering in Morocco, and will fly them there.

Soon, the sky above and the sands of the Sahara below will tell their tale.




Read Chapter 1

Read Chapter 10

This is a personal project, a way to gather the little things that surround Elaina J. Davidson’s writing.

The term ‘Wishing Well’ fits. The author wishes to have pertinent info to hand and the allusion to an inkwell makes all kind of sense to her.

Excerpts and more have been extracted from the Lore Series (Lore of Arcana, Lore of Reaume, Lore of Sanctum and Ancient Terra) as well as Ilfin of Arc, Latticework. Ethereal Musician and TINSAL, and arranged alphabetically.

Perhaps you, too, will be pleased to have this nearby when checking on something as you read Elaina J. Davidson’s many books.

Available in print only.

#collection #sci-fi #supernatural

#fantasy #epic #visionary #adventure



Read Chapter 1

Read Chapter 10

Every great story has hidden depths.

Read Song of the Spaces as either a teaser … or because you’re a huge fan and simply must know more about the LORE Series.  Discover in this OMNIBUS EDITION the insights and the fantastical woven from the Lore of Arcana/Reaume/Sanctum Series. From natural rainbows to portals into other realms, from worlds off the track to giant planets swerving in space, these are the extras compiled into one volume:

The Rainbows of Pilan

The Life-Wheels of Pendulim

The History of Ardosia

The Arcana Myth

A World without Light

The Wolves of Valaris

The Tower of Stairs

The Glittering Darkness

The Beyond for Vannis


Ancient Luvanor

Avior’s Doors

Song of the Spaces

Into the Forbidden Zone



All translations are available from Amazon, Apple Books, Google Play, Tolino, Kobo, Barnes&Noble and more. Considering the number of links needed for each translation, this will result in an unwieldly page, so please type in Elaina J. Davidson into your book provider - thanks!

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