Tuesday, June 7, 2016

The King's Challenge #318 - #321

TKC 318, 319, 320 and 321

Moravin and Lorn lock gazes, both remaining expressionless, before Moravin states, “My unit will come for me. I suggest you release me before someone dies.”

Commander Gennerin leans over the prone form. “My army will come for you. I suggest you tell yours to stand down.”

Moravin blinks and I know we are safe from him. I turn away to regard my children. “I assume my illness is not natural.”

Iniri lays a hand upon my cheek, her eyes sad. “Slow death.” She jerks her head in Lorn’s direction. “The sorcerer in the family.”

I force myself not to look at my brother. “Why?”

“For Brandt,” she murmurs, “although I believe him when he says Brandt is unaware of his poison.”

“Is it poison?”

My daughter nods. “And we need to deal with that before we do anything else. You are not strong enough to leave this room.”

I stare at her, peripherally noticing that Enris is watching. “How close to surrender am I?”

Iniri lifts her other hand to my face, her fingers cool on both my cheeks. “Too close.”

Taking her hands into mine, I lift my gaze to Gennerin. “You are now First, Commander. Arrest my brother and Moravin, and clear the region. Any soldier that lifts a weapon to you is a traitor also.”

Commander Gennerin touches his forehead and bows. “As you will, Majesty.”

My gaze moves to Coltern. “You are Second.”

The fair man stares back at me. “I have no intention of returning to Makaran, Majesty. Perhaps someone else should be appointed as Second.”

I feel the flinch in Iniri’s hands, but it is not time to address those personal dilemmas. Tightening my hold on her fingers, I say, “Then assume the command while the Ilfin are in orbit here. We hall discuss the longer future later.”

Coltern touches his forehead as well. “As you will, my king.” He and Gennerin bend heads together and start murmuring.

Ignoring them – they know what to do – I focus on Iniri. “What do we need to do?”

She removes her hands from mine with a lopsided smile. “Back to bed with you.” She gestures to the young woman – Siri, if memory serves – and says, “Siri is a healer also and will help me. Enris must stay with us, for I may have need of our connection.”

“Very well.” I move to the bed, chewing at my inner cheek. As I sit, I stare at my son. “What is your intention with the Glonu Empress?”

No one had seen fit to actually introduce her, merely glossing over her as explanations were offered, but I am no fool. Not only am I able to smell a damned Glonu, but this woman’s face is known to me. She snorts softly on hearing my words, but does not move. Admittedly the man my son was ages ago may not be who he is now, but I am still able to read him. His studious avoidance of eye contact with the woman tells me he is far more involved with her than he wants to admit even to himself.

Enris barks a laugh, and proves he is still the son I knew well. “Father, she is no threat.”

“Leffandir has commanded the Glonu to evacuate already,” Iniri adds.

I glance at my daughter. “I sense your compassion for this woman.”

Enris freezes in position, and then moves his head incrementally to stare at his sister.

“She is guilty, but she is also innocent; I feel sorry for the woman, if not the Empress.” Iniri meets her brother’s gaze frankly. “I suggest we trust Enris to make the decision.”

The Empress does not move or speak. She watches Enris without expression. Inclining my head, I swing my legs. I say no more on the subject of the Empress; it is another personal dilemma we will make time for later. “I am all yours, daughter.” Lying back, I realise how weak I am. Yes, my time is too close.

“It is all right,” Iniri whispers. “We are here for you.”

I smile at her. They are indeed; I am blessed as a father. In that moment of acknowledgement, my brother becomes vocal and entirely destroys me.

“You snivelling weakling! Conservative autocrat! You do not deserve life! Always you strut about as if you own the bloody universe, leaving me to pick up your breadcrumbs …”

Gennerin is hoisting the man to his feet and it is as if the action has served to loosen his tongue also.

Lorn lifts burnt hands, which I assume is how he was subdued and disempowered. “… and your son is like to you! He too will rule with an iron fist …”

Gennerin swings the man around and cuffs him with no compassion for his injuries. “I suggest you shut up, Lord Makar, before you lose everything.”

“And blind! You did not even know your son was sleeping with the Empress! You did not know they …”

Enris is a blur of movement. He strides in and hits his uncle hard and without compunction. “Uncle, watch yourself!” he snarls as Lorn’s head snaps back.

Leffandir straightens, her gaze fixed on Enris. I have the distinct feeling she is seeing him for the first time, the real Enris.

“Kay, Mirlin,” Iniri states firmly, “please aid Gennerin and Coltern in removing this unpleasantness from our sight.”

Grinning, the man called Kay wades in, shoving his way between Enris and Lorn to help Gennerin manhandle the traitor from the room. Lorn goes, protesting ever louder. Meanwhile Coltern and the white-haired westerner remove a silent Moravin, with the soldier’s aid. As they exit, Coltern throws a look over his shoulder at Iniri; her lips tighten, but she does not otherwise react.

With asperity, Iniri then snaps, “Now everyone just bloody be quiet. We have to concentrate.”

‘Everyone’ means myself – and I laugh under my breath – and Siri, Enris and the Empress. I wonder why she remains in this space. Why did Coltern not remove her also?

“Enris?” Leffandir questions then, probably wondering the same. Her voice is pleasing. In fact, despite her scruffy appearance, she is pleasing to the eye as well. I somewhat understand the lure she presents to my son.

He frowns. “Not now.”

She stamps her foot. She has fire, clearly. “I am aware, idiot. Do I stay or do I go?”

He stares at her for long moments. “Stay.” Swallowing, he immediately turns away and approaches my bed, meeting my gaze with a wry smile.

I return it, but also notice how the woman inhales deeply. Yes, she is definitely seeing my son in a different light.

“Father,” Iniri interrupts my thoughts, “please remain still whatever happens next.”

I nod.

Siri murmurs, “You two need to calm yourselves first. A healing requires a clear mind.”

Again Enris barks a laugh. “Suddenly everyone is able to dissect us.”

Considering that is what I was doing, I keep my face deadpan, but Siri simply raises an eyebrow and pointedly waits.

“Siri is right,” Iniri murmurs. “Leffandir and Coltern can wait for now.” She grins at her brother and he rounds his eyes at her.

Smiling, I say not a word. How I love my children.

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