SEITHE by Poppet
Erotic Thriller/Urban Fantasy
Erotic Thriller/Urban Fantasy
‘I am stranded between realms...’
Phoebe is uber angry and it dumps her into big trouble. She hurtles out into the dark without thought, uncaring of the dangers of night...and discovers great secrets hide under cover of that dark. She will discover everything is definitely not what it seems as first glance, that the veneer of daily life is exactly that, a veneer.
‘Somehow doing something utterly forbidden is always irresistibly enticing.’
Phoebe meets Seithe and is angry enough to accept his manipulations as a means to altering her current issues with men. Seithe seeks to awaken Phoebe to the truth beneath the veneer by using the magic of sensation to shock her into awareness. Phoebe needs to rely on her instincts, quickly.
Why? Everything is not what it seems...so, what does lie beneath? First, there is instinct. We have the power to use it well if only we could trust it. And then there is the great power in love, and what it is able to achieve for humankind. And for those beyond the restraints of mortality.
I am wholly entranced by Poppet’s ability to take known myths and legends and manipulate them into something close to believable, tying together varied strands into something that forms a whole...and that is as much as I’ll reveal at this point! I don’t want to reveal the crux of this tale- I urge you to discover it for yourself. Go on.
I will say Seithe is seriously sexy...and has an equally yummy brother...and sister. And if that doesn’t have you in the throes of curiosity...
I have been fortunate enough to review Poppet’s other books and while SEITHE isn't as visceral as those, it possesses an originality that is strangely real. Reality and fantasy knits together seamlessly to create an uber book. Poppet isn’t shy in dragging the reader into reaction once again. Brilliant indeed!
‘Call me poppet and drive a new pin in, why don’t you?’
This journey will leave you wishing it could be true.
Elaina J Davidson
November 2010