Saturday, March 21, 2015

Justine's Journal #31

52 Weeks 500 Words

This is how it began: Justine (not her real name) decided to write 500 words (or as near as), anything goes, per week for 52 weeks. She would then submit it for anonymous posting, via me, her friend. Perhaps a pattern will emerge from her words, but at this stage it’s more an experiment I have agreed to share in. I’ll attempt to draw conclusions at the end of this. Stay tuned if this resonates with you.

Week 31

"This may end up being a week to update you all (and me) on posts previously left open-ended – in fact, it will be J Why, you ask? Well, that’s what I asked myself, and I realised we’re nearing the end of this experiment and I may not again have opportunity to clear some things up.

In Week 1 my woe was about my writing, about never trusting I can do so. Happy to report it’s going well, although now in editing stage.

In Week 2 I commented on the fact that I felt like a bystander to life. Happy to report that’s no longer so. I feel involved again, and most of that feeling stems from self-belief.

In Week 4 we discussed my inability to share good or bad news with equanimity. Again, that is no longer so, for I have learned to trust myself more.

Week 6 was about examining answers –I do that as a matter of course now, but not in judgement, rather for proper understanding.

Week 8 discussed people wearing masks. Now this is still a truth, for I can’t change everyone around me, and I certainly can’t do so for the entire world. This facet of ourselves is something we all need to address and make note of.

Week 10 was about a stalker. Thankfully it all went away, although I do remain wary. I still look over my shoulder all the time. I guess time will heal this. I hope so.

In Week 14 I spoke about taking it slow (these journal entries) and how the process aided thinking. Yes, that remains absolutely true.

Week 17 was about honesty. This remains the hardest concept for most people, and it has to do with the masks we wear. My advice? Be honest with yourself, for there lays your responsibility.

Week 21 mentioned again reconnecting with my brother. And in Week 28 I told you of my paranoia and how it ended up as a premonition about my brother. At this time I still can’t explain how that happened (and I don’t want to get all esoteric here) but know my brother and I remain firm friends and we can’t wait to see each other again.

Week 25 was about celebrating life and nature, and that is something I do daily. Even when I need to get around with the help of a walking stick!

Last week (Week 30) we talked about the fires in our region. Sadly, more did erupt and we still live on the edge of expectation here. It has rained (last night) but not enough to entirely remove the threat. Please remain on guard, friends of the south.

And that’s a bit of recap. Looking at this I realise I would love to do a post on the premonition issue. Would you read it? I think I may do so before this session of journal entries close. Stay tuned, and thank you for reading so far." J

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