Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Teaser Tuesday: 5 years celibate

IN THE GLOOM of a rainy day, in a city about to be abandoned, with life changing around them by the minute, Damin turned to Lyra and broke her heart.
“Alyssa is a good person, Lyra, and I did sleep with her, if that is what you want to know.”
She did not want to know. She swallowed convulsively as words of accusation clogged her throat. Of course five years had passed and she did not expect Damin to remain celibate, and yet she had hoped he would. As she had been, not that suitors knocked at her door.
The naïve country girl had just been disillusioned.
Shrugging, shoving horrible words down, she jerked around and strode along the wet streets. Damin followed, wisely saying no more.

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