Saturday, March 18, 2023

Live: The Potter (& Chapter 1)

Quicker than expected, the Potter is live! Below is a link and also Chapter 1 :)





RIGHT. Clay chosen. Earthenware this time because it means my kiln fire doesn’t need to be as hot. I’m hoping less heat equals more success. Sure, the end product is not as durable, but hey, I’m reaching for something else here.

Wheel is spinning. Check. Tools to hand. Check.

Sparing a glance for the shattered remains of recent attempts that went, well, wrong, I toss the wedged piece of clay upon the wheel, and lean in. Didn’t allow the others to dry long enough before firing, I muse for the umpteenth time. Or maybe air remained in the clay, which means I didn’t wedge as well as I know how to … argh, stop it. deflecting with excuses doesn’t help. Focus on this new project.

Gradually the planter I have in mind takes shape, the walls assuming a quarter of an inch thickness. The latter is all about feel, not measurement. One eventually ‘feels’ when the optimum breadth is reached. Takes much trial and error to attain that kind of instinct, though, but once you know, you know. I grunt my amusement. Sometimes the chatterbox is in overdrive while leaning over the wheel. It’s not always zen, trust me.

Lately nothing in my life has been zen.


As the wheel ceases its spin, I study the ovoid vessel I have created. Smooth, with textured lines at intervals. When the clay has hardened somewhat, I’ll engrave the design I have in mind to wrap around it.

Deflating puffed cheeks, I acknowledge that creating a few more this day doesn’t sit right. This one is a test, I feel it in my bones, so best not hedge bets now in making others. Right? Too right. Time to walk away with fingers crossed.

So far, all is as it should be … and so had the others been at this point. All the others will go just great as well, I know already, for I’ve been creating vessels for years now and am more than comfortable in my chosen craft. It’s the firing that has become the issue, and I won’t know how this one performs until it’s dry. Given the inclement weather, with the promise of a proper unleashing within hours, that may be weeks away. Only then dare I offer it to the god of fire in my blackened brick oven out back.

Seven vessels are currently ready for the furnace, and four more will be in a few days, but as I’m low on sawdust at the moment, I can walk away this day.

Right. I do exactly that.

Can’t believe how relieved I feel.

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