Sunday, April 23, 2023

Chapter 10: The Nowhere Sphere


In a nowhere place, everything is possible. 

At the time of Tianoman Valla’s Naming, a blue sphere hovers in the scrying bowl, along with a silver cathron in an ebony floor. The time for that future is due, for beyond realms and the known universe, a mighty manipulation commences, and it assumes the form of blue spherical space. 

This is a Nowhere Sphere. 

Tianoman is kidnapped by an enemy believed dead, and taken to the place where a silver cathron knocker lurks in the darkness of a polished surface, where also a crucible swirls in vapour, creating within an entity that cannot be permitted life.

 An entire planet is vaporised, and souls scream for release in the aftermath. As Torrullin Valla’s memory returns after the event on Echolone, his ability to forgive is buried in the layers time has laid down, and now he needs to care, to feel again, to forgive. He must travel the void created by anti-matter to find not only Tianoman and the other Vallas, but also Elianas Danae, for he will suffer most.

 In Nowhere, everything that moves in hearts, minds and souls will become the answers Torrullin requires to again known himself. It will also unmask the Danae.




There are many viewing platforms in the universe, and each offers a mighty vista. There are many viewpoints in the universe also, but those offerings range from the small and mean to the great and calamitous.

Max Dalrish

~ A speech made in Beacon’s parliament, upon invitation ~




TORRULLIN SURPRISED HIM. “What, Elianas, did you expect a battle?” He wandered over to the counter and started to make coffee. “Do you think I aim to live up to expectation? You should know me better.”

Elianas straightened and closed in. “It pays to be prepared.”

“True, but I wonder how prepared you are. You thought a storm would bring it on, didn’t you? Well, surprise.”

Elianas shivered. “How long?”

Busy with the scoop and ground beans, Torrullin murmured, “A few days, with much speculation before. You should have hidden my black clothes.”

Elianas snorted. It was a thought he already had. “Why keep quiet?”

“I was watching you.” Elianas swore. Torrullin slapped the spoon down. “And today you broke pattern at last. Whom did you see out there? Who was important enough to take you away from your self-appointed task?”

Elianas folded his arms. “Lowen.”

Torrullin flinched. “Why?” Silence. Torrullin waited.

Again, Elianas swore. “Tian and Aislinn.”

“What about them?”

Elianas closed his eyes briefly. His arms loosened. “Tianoman and his wife have been kidnapped.”

Who the fuck would dare?”

Elianas breathed in and out deeply. “I do not think anyone knows yet. No one knows much at this point.”

Torrullin was expressionless, and Elianas knew that lack of expression hid simmering fury. The man’s rage would intensify now, having heard this news. “It is time to find out how this happened,” Torrullin said. “I don’t want to hear your excuses.”

Elianas swiped at the counter, sending coffee, honey, milk and mugs to shatter and mess upon the floor. He grabbed Torrullin’s wrist. “I have no excuses to offer. All I have are facts and the facts are, you were shattering. I had to stop that. I swore to you a long time ago I would not allow it to happen.”

Torrullin’s gaze silvered. “And your greatest fear was that you would not succeed.”

“I succeeded. You are talking to me with all of you in place.”

“Elianas, given what happened to us, I think I wish I had shattered.”

The dark man cursed. “Then I would be bereft.”

Those eyes silvered even further. “I know.”

Elianas closed his eyes. “I do not know how to proceed now. I have battled my conscience since the moment I made the decision to take even trace memories away, knowing it was the only path I could safely choose, and then I battled the elements to keep storms at bay long enough to give you time before it came rushing back. I even battled the silent accusations from those who love you.”

“They did not understand.”

“No, and who can blame them?”

“And here I am talking to you as if today is an ordinary day. You must be … concerned.”

Elianas released his grip on the beating pulse under his fingers. “Yes.”

“It is no ordinary day.” Torrullin reached out. “Stand still. I hit you hard.” He touched a finger to Elianas’ broken lip.

The dark man turned away. “I am going out for air. When you are reasonable again, we can talk about finding Tian.”

“Elianas. It is storming,’ Torrullin goaded.

“Bugger off.” He kept walking and mocking laughter followed him.


IT WAS INDEED STORMING, a mother of a weather pattern. Rayne-Torrullin had brought forth something extreme. Elianas swore again as he went out into its fury. Torrullin had known exactly what he was doing. Who had been the one prepared, then?

He walked along the stone pathway leading into the forest; the last thing he needed was the vista of an ocean in angry motion and the glowering mountain was not desirable either. Wind scuttled around and against him, and rain soaked him through to his skin until he shivered, and he kept on walking. Torrullin would attempt the barriers, but the word of power could not be undone. A branch lashed out at him, and he cursed it. It tore and fell alongside him. He felt vindicated. A footfall behind him had him whirling around. He had not expected Torrullin to follow, not yet, but he should have understood his punishment had already commenced. He halted on the path and braced himself.

The din through the trees was immense and Torrullin thus dispensed with verbal communication. It made the entire situation worse; it made it terribly intimate. How long can you hold out, Elianas?

As long as it takes.

Torrullin paced forward. He was as soaked, his tunic sticking to his bones like a second skin. I hear you.

Torrullin, you forget I hear you also.

I am counting on it.

How dare you punish me for helping you?

I did not ask for this much help.

Would I have to ask before you would help me with everything you have? Elianas demanded.

The silence in their minds was deafening. Then, No.

Do you see now?

Taking away what was for a time did not take any of it away forever. I remember everything. If you had left me, I would now know nothing. Sometimes trauma is best left to obliviousness.

And I would know everything still. Which is worse, Lorinin?

Fuck you, Danae.

Your anger is for what happened to Tymall. Be honest.

You killed him. Yes, I have an issue with it. You should have left me shattered.

Elianas went on walking. Never. Your son deserved death. If you seek to punish, know from the outset it does go both ways.

Excellent. It seems we are now even further from our destinies, our so-called noble purpose. How many do we hurt this time, my brother, before we call a ceasefire?

If we battle it out here, we hurt only each other.

Neither of us has that kind of strength. Neither of us can stay out of it.

Elianas swung around.

Torrullin was directly behind him. I am leaving. My living grandson needs my help.

Elianas flinched. No. Not yet. Think first.

If it means I must destroy our home to force it, I shall do so.

That has been foreseen. Do your worst; it will not help you.

Torrullin barked a laugh. Lowen, I assume. Elianas did not reply. Torrullin smiled. The lady seer has seen. She has vanished now, I think. Grey eyes glittered. You should have slept with her when the opportunity was there.

Elianas knew when he was being goaded. He responded in kind. I should have, yes. Another little twist we would then share.

Baiting me is childish.

Elianas grinned and lifted an eyebrow.

Torrullin changed direction. Have you spoken with Caballa?

I have no need of others’ visions. I already know we shall go beyond our usual boundaries this time.

Where are those boundaries, Elianas?


Silence, and in it Torrullin glanced skyward. They come.

Elianas blinked. They know?

They felt the reverberations of Elixir. No barrier you devise can prevent that. A frown appeared. What are they afraid of?


My wrath?

Something like that. We know you.

I aim to disappoint all of you.

You defer it to allay us, hoping I shall release the barriers. I am not a fool, Torrullin.

What use a fool in battle? Thank the gods for your mind.

Elianas frowned in irritation and brushed past Torrullin to return home. Torrullin stepped into his path, forcing him to a halt. He shoved him aside and continued walking, and was then hauled about. And slammed up against a tree. Branches reached out to them gleefully. Grey eyes impaled dark. Neither moved a muscle.

Until Elianas twitched.

Torrullin’s lips curved in a smile, the kind that signified nefarious intention. Elianas gripped the man’s wet tunic. Twisting the fabric in his hands, he used the man’s weight to propel them back onto the path, and there he released. The next instant his fists smacked into Torrullin’s gut and, as he doubled over, Elianas strode purposefully back to the dwelling. He did not look back.


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