Sunday, March 10, 2024

Excerpt: Keep walking! (Our Lanterns Glow)


“You only realise what you have when you lose it. Only then do you appreciate the little joys, the nuances of life, and you begin to understand everything that went before, they are the shaping hands of who you are. I feel good. I understand my past and I want the future I should expect.”

~ Rose to Torrullin ~



We cannot ‘expect’ anything in the present, especially what was previously a ‘known’ future – there are too many uncertainties. We can, however, reach for a future when we are healthy, free and able to live our dreams. In the glow of our lanterns are we able to see what lies ahead and follow the path to attaining it. Now is the time to keep on walking.

Written and shared in the latter half of 2020, this inspirational book was conceived to cope with the different world we suddenly found ourselves in. As the author, it matters not to me if it sells or not; this is a personal project – I needed to find my light, and this is how I did so. Based on fictional insights, for fiction has helped us in these trying times, Our Lanterns Glow isn’t a cure all; it is about insight and the inspiration we need to move forward.


Now we are in a new year and it is not over; the pandemic and economic fallout is still with us. Our Lanterns Glow is more relevant than ever. Now it helps us make sense of the very strange time we endured and aids us in focusing on the future. Whether we read this today or in a hundred years, it remains relevant; ever do we need the light and always it is our responsibility to lift our lanterns for others to find their way in the darkness. Find the insight you need in this small book and shine your light today!

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