Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Chapter 1: My Wishing Well

Technically, this isn't Chapter 1, rather 2, but seeing as the first section (About Valaris) can be viewed in the Appendices in my Lore books, I thought I'd offer the first true collection of sayings. 

This is a personal project, a way to gather the little things that surround Elaina J. Davidson’s writing.

The term ‘Wishing Well’ fits. The author wishes to have pertinent info to hand and the allusion to an inkwell makes all kind of sense to her.

Excerpts and more have been extracted from the Lore Series (Lore of Arcana, Lore of Reaume, Lore of Sanctum and Ancient Terra) as well as Ilfin of Arc, Latticework. Ethereal Musician and TINSAL, and arranged alphabetically.

Perhaps you, too, will be pleased to have this nearby when checking on something as you read Elaina J. Davidson’s many books.

Available in print only HERE.




Secrets unlocked secrets.

The Valleur are nomadic; it is time to set down enduring roots.


Do not rely on the future to solve problems.

Look to this day.


What did our nomadic existence teach us?

Only that we are restless by nature.


It is the mind that wins battles, not bodies.


When all else fails, deny the enemy entry.

Erect walls, impenetrable barriers.


If the barriers crumble, blind them.


Know your place, children of the universe. This does not mean you stand in the shadows without contributing to the grand design; it means know yourself and what it is you are able to contribute …


“Build a structure able to stand the test of time upon a natural energy node, and you will build with magic and essence also. It is a great gift to future generations, but it is also a grand gesture that creates balance in the world. A true geomancer knows where to locate a site that will be sacred forever.”


Every experience builds your character, defines your strengths and weaknesses.


Every point in life, that moment of decision, forms a web of connections.


When Valleur youth raise the question about the Dragon’s presence, the Elders are ever hard-pressed to give an answer that makes sense. Until the day Ranthor formalised it. “The Dragon is part of the Vallas; ours is not the right to question.” Thereafter that single reply was spoken every time.


“There are no absolutes. Some might tell you change is the only absolute. I tell you change by nature is too volatile. There are no absolutes.” ~ Nemisin – First Oracle


Stone star. Blank wall. Blind is evil.


Valleur name true.


Valleur do not surrender. Valleur fight.


During the time of Vintari (205th Vallorin) a peace settlement was sought between the Valleur and the mud people of Dinor. At first it went well, for the adversaries were weary of the lengthy war. Fighting had become pointless and starvation a stark reality. Two Valleur generations passed peaceably enough, and then the 7th Dinor ruler since the settlement rose up against the accord. Vintari, although nearing the end of his reign, went to war again, and that time he showed no mercy. But for a small kernel of resistance, the Valleur put an end to the mud people. The Dinor swore they would one day find a way to revenge the terrible insult.

~Excerpt from the 2nd volume of the Valleur Oracles


When a sun is weak, a world is cold and life shrivels with time. When an atmosphere alters components, a world is poisoned, and life shrivels swiftly. And yet life is amazingly tenacious. Lift a rock in a desert and find it there, hidden ... thriving.


For love of a friend, one walks into danger.


Frustration is your spirit telling you to change tactics.


The power hungry are blinded by their arrogance.


Truth is Light


Mother Universe chose a path of objectivity. We revere her for that, for she cannot judge; she simply is. Many say Mother Universe is not as uninvolved as time would have us believe, for are we not her children and do we not judge? Are we not subjective in our thoughts and deeds? This is a debate for our sages ... and still we whisper of it among ourselves.


Be careful, adept. Lumin power is wonderful, but it can be as addictive as darak. A sorcerer worth his weight knows to hold back, always.


“… a state of abstraction, a trance in which a series of images, ideas and emotions occur involuntarily. This altered conscious may occur during the hours of sleep or, more disturbingly, while the subject is awake. Neither should be discounted. Ever. Hark to that inner prompting …”


The unborn are special. Revere them.


Ask the name of the stranger if you desire understanding. A name can reveal more than features are able to.


When souls band together something marvellous comes to pass.

A note in the Ancient Oracles


There is an obstacle in the mind known as denial. It is able to prevent knowledge entering, but it can also force the mind to move sideways onto a divergent path. Beware the divergent path.


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