Saturday, April 4, 2015

Justine's Journal #33

52 Weeks 500 Words

This is how it began: Justine (not her real name) decided to write 500 words (or as near as), anything goes, per week for 52 weeks. She would then submit it for anonymous posting, via me, her friend. Perhaps a pattern will emerge from her words, but at this stage it’s more an experiment I have agreed to share in. I’ll attempt to draw conclusions at the end of this. Stay tuned if this resonates with you.

Week 33

It’s Easter weekend and no matter how or what you believe most of us have the relief of a long weekend surrounding us. A time to unwind, not to have to rush to anything. A time for some of us (like me) to walk around in pyjamas with crazy hair and not have to worry about it.

I’m not giving out lessons this week or offering insights that have come to me. I feel sometimes life is so filled with potential lessons and so much soul-searching that we tend to overlook the pleasure of simply being. Of course, simply being shouldn't take away the need to act and think, but should be regarded as a time to breathe. It is during these down times that our minds, hearts and souls are able to collate all we have learned and put it to us in a way we can accept. It gifts us the ability to streamline chaotic thoughts, varied lessons and so forth and results in a simpler answer, so to speak.

So, readers, friends, take these few days and, beyond how and what you believe, use them well to simply be. I can almost guarantee at the end of it you feel better about some of the things that have been plaguing you. Well. That is my hope. At the end of this weekend I hope to have gathered some relief from my own chaotic thoughts. I hope you do too.

Have a lovely Easter weekend!

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