Saturday, August 26, 2017

Review: Awakenings (Grave Misgivings #1) by C.E. Sundstrom

Awakenings (Grave Misgivings, #1)Awakenings by C. Sundstrom
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Excellent premise here, but a bit confusing. I understood the back and forth between past and present, but thought the monster inserts were a bit too much – the latter didn’t drive the story forward, serving rather to break into the tale. The point of these inserts isn’t adequately explained either, so there was no ‘aah!’ moment for me. However, ignoring those, the story is interesting indeed. Quite the psychological twister.

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Review: Of Cinder and Bone by Kyoko. M

Of Cinder and BoneOf Cinder and Bone by Kyoko M.
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

An intriguing concept, dragons brought to life via DNA (very Jurassic Park, and yes, that scenario is mentioned!). This is also a thriller, loads of mayhem that crosses the globe. A good story, but I felt it was a bit shallow here and there, and didn’t focus enough on the actual dragon. I wanted to stay with her, see how the modern world is for her.

Characters, however, were well rounded. I could definitely identify with each, particularly Jack; loved his take on things, his humour, and his hidden depths.

It remains a good story, If you enjoy a good thriller, you will enjoy this.

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Don't care to be right

Friday, August 25, 2017

Review: Renegades by Joanne Sexton

RenegadesRenegades by Joanne Sexton
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I always enjoy reading Joanne’s romances, but this one has an added sci-fi twist that just rocks the whole relationship thing! Gangs, rebels, government thugs, control, mayhem, a city under siege in the future … and love – yup, a great adventure. I thoroughly enjoyed this!

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Review: Electus Per Deus by Bianca Pheasant

Based on true events, this intrigued me from the instant I opened it. I do recall how at one time cults made the news in SA and therefore wanted to read this. The title alone grabbed my attention – what does it mean? Where will this story go?

In one sense this is an easy read, because the author has a flowing style. She doesn’t complicate it; she tells it like it is, and I appreciated that tremendously. In another sense this is also harrowing, and that is due to the subject matter. As a work of fiction, one can read with equanimity, but knowing there is truth behind it causes one to shiver.

The most amazing feature, though, is the author’s characterisation. We are in the minds of the characters, and the story is told from that perspective, rather than concentrating on the brutality of events. Again, I appreciated that.

Please do read this, if only to understand what havoc cults can cause. Well done to the author; a difficult subject well handled!

Monday, August 21, 2017

Review: The Eighth Day by Joseph John

The Eighth DayThe Eighth Day by Joseph John
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Future time, and a man isn’t what he believes he is. What happened on the Eight Day of creation?

Excellent read, a fast paced thriller with sci-fi undertones (or not so sci-fi, given where we’re headed). Enjoyable! This would make a good movie!

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Eclipse Apocalypse

Sunday, August 20, 2017

The Felix Chronicles (Freshmen) by R.T. Lowe

Freshmen (The Felix Chronicles, #1)Freshmen by R.T. Lowe
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

An ancient warning comes to light in the present and centres around college students in Portland. We’re talking murder and mayhem, and incredible powers! Felix is the focus, a young adult dealing with loss and sadness … and that’s all I’m saying – no spoilers.

Well written, engaging, horrifying at times, clever, and every characters climbs off the virtual page and forces you to notice him and her. Thoroughly enjoyable!

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Be a maker

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Review: Seduced by the Boss by Milan Watson

Seduced by the BossSeduced by the Boss by Milan Watson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Once again, I loved reading a Milan Watson romance! I love her easy-going style and also the convoluted way in which love eventually wins. This one particular felt more character driven – we really get to know Max and Rafi – and I thoroughly enjoyed it. You will too!

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Review: Prince's Parish by Joshua Robertson

The Prince's ParishThe Prince's Parish by Joshua Robertson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This short story packs quite a *gasp* punch! Well worth a read, but be prepared!

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Review: Balfair's Confinement by Phil Williams

We return to the world of Estalia in this short story (yay!) and enter the life of a young slave woman under the control of Balfair. She seeks a new life and makes plans; Balfair, after all, treats her like dirt and doesn’t want to share the big and dangerous project he’s working on … oh boy, I was breathless reading this! Would she get caught? Or did she have it all wrong?

LOVED this! Phil Williams is fast becoming one of my favourite authors!

Review: The Bastard Princess by Gemma Lawrence

It dawned on me

Too busy denying

Grammar Quiz

Lol, another FB quiz!

Monday, August 7, 2017

Review: The Abduction Myth by M.M. Simons

The Abduction MythThe Abduction Myth by M.M. Simons
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I don’t know what to say here, but I feel Abduction Myth deserves a review, a glowing one. This read is intense. It goes deeply into the mind and myths of a young woman, and I could not stop reading. In many ways I identified with the main character, the issues entrenched in her psyche, if not actual events. It makes for interesting reading.

It didn’t end the way I expected. In fact, I am left with questions. This does not detract from the story at all; the questions have made the kind of impression that makes this is a read difficult to forget, and isn’t that the point of a great story?

Well done to the author. I look forward to reading more!

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Review: Across the Darlkling Sea by K. Ferrin

Across the Darkling SeaAcross the Darkling Sea by K. Ferrin
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This story is so different from the norm . Fantasy with a decided twist. The main character is not your usual ‘save the world’ personality, and that intrigued me no end. How do you weave a tale around someone who cannot remember herself (or what caused it) on a daily basis? I had to find out! Definitely recommend this to readers who love something different when it comes to Fantasy!

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