Thursday, December 10, 2020

Crazed and Creative

With so much going on at the moment, it must sometimes seem as if I'm all over the place. I mean, first I post about covers changing, then it's a book in translation, sometimes it's an audio book going into production or one just released, and so on. Truth is, this is the writer's life. There is no formal structure, or not to the degree that one can determine with absolute accuracy what will be ready soon, later, then and now, and therefore plan posts accordingly. So, yes, as it happens, I share here, and then, lo, there's the marketing side of things, a post on occasion to keep my stories circulating.

Let's look at this week, for instance: audio book posts, a translation, a nudge about Song of the Spaces, and then came the decision to simplify this blog (still in process), even news of a book being unpublished (done, although it may be a day or two before it disappears from Amazon completely). Perhaps I'm complicating my writer's life, you think to yourself ... oh, definitely, you're spot on! And yet, truth is, such complication is part of the creative process. See, currently I find actual writing a bit hard to sit down to and work at, carve time out for, and experience has taught me that changing something (such as this blog) actually brings on the spark, the impetus, to write again. The sharing as it happens is normal but upheaval is a conscious decision because change is in itself creative.

Of course, given the edits and formats I'm currently working on for Redwing Productions, my editing service, my time isn't always my own. What happens here happens when taking a breather from such projects. Why, then, create chaos for myself? There are days, weeks, sometimes months, when my time is so locked into editing projects that I barely show my face (ha, my butterfly) online, do not share what's happening in my writing world, not even to keep up socially, so why choose upheaval?

The simple answer is that, for me, the more crazed I am, the more creative I become. Writers are so weird, right? Told my husband recently that when someone tells me 'you're not normal' again (has happened a few times, especially in family situations), I'll simply say, "Thank you." Not being 'normal' is a compliment!

Just thought I'd share something of what's roiling around in my mind right now, to explain the eclectic posting. Do come back for more of the crazy!!

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