Thursday, July 9, 2015

Our Friend Thomas Henson

Thomas has had a face lift! 

New cover, and a few internal tweaks also. Our Friend Thomas Henson is now part of a series of four short stories - the Thomas H series. Look out for Town Thomas, coming soon!

Thomas Henson has issues, thirteen of them, and, indeed, one of them is superstition. When his life of luxury ends and he is dumped into an impoverished state, all these issues come home to roost, making it impossible for Thomas to stand up and take responsibility for his life. He even despises his name! Most all, however, he hates his neighbour, the ever laughing Ethan Danwick-Blythe, who has a perfect name and a perfect garden. Thomas is being lied to, however, and those lies will upset everything our Thomas hopes for. As he plots revenge on his neighbour, the time for all lies to be exposed approaches. This amusing little tale of self-delusion is Thomas Henson’s debut into real life.

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